
Sebastien Loeb Rally Evo PS4 Career | Rookie 2WD Peugeot 106 Rallye | Sanremo

2016-05-01 22 Dailymotion

Sebastien Loeb Rally Evo PS4 Gameplay - Career mode. Rookie 2WD Class. Peugeot 106 Rallye.

This is the very first career mode race in the game and drops you into the San Romolo stage of the Sanremo Rally.

First impressions of the game are pretty good although it's easy to see why many people have criticized Milestone's offering when comparing it to Codemasters' DiRT Rally. Some of those criticisms may be fair but based on my limited time with Sebastien Loeb so far I would advise potential buyers not to be put off the game based on those criticisms alone.

As to whether this game should be called a sim or not really comes down to individual opinion. What i can say is that the driving experience, whilst quite different from DiRT Rally, is still very good and the game is pretty challenging. Unlike DiRT it has more options when it comes to tailoring the difficulty levels but those looking for a challenging drive will not be disappointed.

I am playing with all assists off using the Thrustmaster T300RS and paddle shifters. Damage was set to heavy and the most horrible feature of the game - the rewind function, removed completely.

Why Milestone insisted on adding this when they promote the title as a rally simulator I'm not really sure. Justifiably or not, they are inviting dismissal and handicapping themselves in the eyes of their target audience by including it.